18 — Spiders on the Carpet

November 25, 2008


From J.


Julia Roberts was the voice of Charlotte

(Julia Roberts was the voice of Charlotte)

I was downstairs  reviewing some newly arrived books. One was by Julia Roberts. I found that a little odd. My earphones and mp3 were being charged and they came a burst in flames. They then extinguished and no marks were left. Then as I continued to review books they burst a flames once more. This time the fire was more intense. 

I then left the living room and headed to my room and decided the clean the huge mound of paper tissues that littered my corner. I looked for a garbage and I found none but suddenly one appeared. It was black and circular. 

As I am filling my garbage I noticed the window because of the howling, screeching wind. I then decided to close it and do the same in the office next to my room.  

spider-house-on-carpet-in-london-england-closeup-6-dhd2In the office the upper half of the window was covered with dark hairy spiders of around 1 inches each. I rolled quickly to the window and close the window in a shift movement. I rolled back on this time I made the floor vibrate. 

I return to my room feeling disturbed by the number of spiders I saw. I looked for a towel. I turned on the lights and saw 3 spider coming in by the slit of my bed room door.

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